How do I submit my manuscript?

We accept submissions through email at For fiction submissions, we require that the manuscript be complete and that the submission email be accompanied by sample chapters, an author’s bio, and a synopsis. For nonfiction queries, please attach a 50-page proposal for your book.

Please give us at least three months to respond to your submission. We appreciate not getting constant reminders on emails and other platforms about submissions. Feel free to follow up if you haven’t heard from us in three months.

Submitted documents should preferably be in Microsoft Word (.docx) Format. Simple is good.

We accept submissions for all genres except children’s writing and poetry.

We only work with manuscripts written in or translated into English, though we do sell rights for other languages.

We know, understand and respect the confidentiality of your work. All manuscripts which are not accepted are destroyed immediately

No, this is not our area of expertise. However, we do liaise with publishers for writers we represent to secure good marketing plans.

Our role as agents is to make sure the manuscript is in good shape and secure a good deal for the book; getting blurbs is not what we do.

This is a question to ask your publicist at your publishing house.